Galileo's Observations
Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer from Pisa, and he is often refered to as the father of observational astronomy. With the use of his telescope, he was the first to observe Jupiter's moons. This discovery shocked the people of that time. Completely changing their understanding of the cosmos. He was also one of the first to observe neptune, the rings of saturn, and many other stellar bodies within our system.
My postcard shows off some of Galileo's greatest discoveries. They hover in the sky above the town here lives. And of course, the model wouldn't be complete without a little diorama of Galileo himself, with his trusty telescope, observing the skies.
To this day, many of us still look to the stars at night, wondering what is out there. It's amazing to think that this activity has stayed constant through all of history. And will probably continue on, for centuries to come.
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