D&D - Dragon Encounter Playset

This idea was collaboratively created by myself and my friend Lewis, a fellow LEGO collector and D&D fan. It is a smallish, simple playset that can be used to recreate various scenarios set within the D&D world.

It includes four characters with which to reenact scenarios:
  • A Human bard, carrying a lute as well as a dagger.
  • A Tiefling paladin, armed with a greatsword and a shield.
  • An Elf ranger, who is using both a longbow and a dagger.
  • And finally, a Dwarf cleric, who fights with both a battlehammer and his spells, which are represented by a transparent blue power blast piece that can be fired in play.

The main subject of the set is a generic red dragon that possesses fully articulating limbs, moving wings, a moving tail, and the ability to breathe fire as an attack.

Two extra side builds are included:
  • A small tree upon some ground, which can be used to pose minifigures and increase immersion.
  • A small accessory stand for your minifigures to store and display their various weapons.

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#dungeons and dragons
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