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Dungeons and Dragons: Celebrating 50 Years

Happy 50th Anniversary to Dungeons and Dragons! Celebrate their monumental milestone with this: 

A recreation of Creators Gary Gygax’s basement, that features: The D&D logo, engraved door, A bookshelf of books/tokens/model buildings for campaigns, a table with a headspace for your Dungeon Master and 3 adventurers, also a DM shield/display map/character sheets/and dice! 

This game’s Dungeon Master is; Gary Gygax himself with the first edition players handbook! The adventurers include: a Elf - Rogue, a Human - Paladin, and a Dwarf - Fighter! 

Included are some of my favorite and classic creatures to encounter: a Kobold, Orc, Lich, Gelatinous Cube, Beholder, Mimic, and looming over them all… a Red Dragon! 

The set features a total of 705 pieces, 7 Minifigures and 4 buildable creatures. I appreciate all of you who look at my work, I wish everyone luck in their submissions and I hope you all have a great day! 

Please be aware of the special D&D Content Terms communicated in the challenge brief. You must agree to these Terms as well as the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate.

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#dungeons and dragons
#50th anniversary
#role playing game
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
50 years of Dungeons & Dragons!

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