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Through the Fifth Dimension of the Tower of Terror

Unexpectedly, your maintenance service elevator advances you forward into the fifth dimension. It is a magical moment, which is what Disney means to me. 

I chose to make a motorized model of the Tower of Terror ride vehicle to represent what Disney means to me, because I love remembering the magical moments spent with family in the parks, and the Tower of Terror is a particularly special ride to me.

While, my intention is for this set to be motorized and move on its own, if a non-motorized vehicle were produced and it was built with enough space to accommodate motors and sensors at a later date, that would also be wonderful.

My favorite details about this model:

  • Sliding front gate: Ideally, I would prefer an automatic gate, but i settled for a manual gate for the sake of time.

  • Seats 21 minifigs: The model accommodates the same number of guests as the real thing.

  • Interior touches: The yellow stair stripes, curves of the seats, and the floor grates make me smile.

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#disney world
#disney parks
#tower of terror
#walt disney world
#theme park
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