Fan Vote
Fan Vote

Digital World of Creativity

Participating on LEGO Ideas is one of my most favorite things to do ever. To have the opportunity to share my passion with all the other passionate people on this website is just awesome.

This build is a brick solar system, which represents the wonderful community LEGO Ideas has built. All around the center 15-brick are LEGO brick planets surrounded by smaller brick moons. Each planet represents a certain aspect of LEGO Ideas and is the creative space at which the spacemen (The LEGO Ideas community) create and share their ideas held by the moons.

(Pic #2)
Here, green spaceman is hopping over to yellow spaceman's planet to check out and support his two ideas.
(Pic #3)
In this pic, blue spaceman is just about to post his first idea!
(Pic #4)
Here, red spaceman hopped off his planet to pink spaceman's to go build collaboratively with him.
(Pic #5)
Finally, orange spaceman went off to gather support from another dimension (social media) to help purple spaceman.
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
15 Years of LEGO Ideas

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