The True Purpose of Vacation

          Vacation is a wonderful thing, it allows one to get away from work and stress. But, what are you getting to? I believe that the true purpose of vacation is to pull the family together. Think about it, while on vacation, you stay in a smaller room, you do activities together, and you enjoy each other's company. All of these have one thing in common, you are closer to your family! That is why I have built what I believe to be the perfect family vacation, a campfire. This perfect middle ground between technology and nature has always been a wonderful way to enjoy family time. It provides an opportunity to talk with each other without the formality of dinner, while still involving a small snack of marshmallow. Everyone has also felt the curiousness about what might occur if a marshmallow is held in the flame. This boy here just found out. This build includes 250 pieces, it includes:
  1. A campfire
  2. A family
  3. A holder for the extra logs
  4. A pathway
  5. Two trees
  6. Various greenery
Thank you good luck building!
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