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Grand Prize
Grand Prize

Daft Punk concert with Lego Night Mode


This was a fun father and son project which took on epic proportions thanks to the family being confined at home.

We’re both big Daft Punk fans. My teen years were spent listening to Homework on my Walkman. My son’s 1st favorite song was Get Lucky. Nowadays our family is regularly robot rocking around the world. 

So we choose to remix our 2 passions together. There are quite a few Lego Daft Punk projects on the web but we thought we could take it to the next level.

My son built a prototype with the bricks we have at home and I expanded the idea digitally. The disco lights inside the pyramid were built with real bricks first. It uses a motor to make a box of transparent bricks rotate, then we make a pair of lights dangle inside the box.

This 2000 piece set was deceptively simple: it features a lot of geometric shapes, but it was quite a fun challenge since Lego bricks are rarely used for triangular shapes, so we had to find ways to make all those angles click.

Robot Rock!
#daft punk
#night mode
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Music to our ears!

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