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Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets and Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom

This creation features the legendary Chamber of Secrets, hidden beneath the Hogwarts second-floor girls' bathroom. The Chamber includes the face of Slytherin himself, complete with stalactites from the ceiling, a vaulted cave ceiling, and a stone snake statue-head on the right. Included are the Basilisk, Sorting Hat (underneath, the Sword of Godric Gryffindor), and Fawkes from 75954 Great Hall, as well as Tom Riddle's Diary from the 71022 Minifigure Series (Dobby). Above, in the bathroom, are two stalls, one with a massive plumbing issue, and the massive sink fixture which reveals the entrance to the Chamber. The stickers on the pillars come from 5378 Hogwarts Castle, and the small potions table for Polyjuice is from 4735 Slytherin.
#moaning myrtle
#chamber of secrets
#harry potter
#sorting hat
#tom riddle
#tom marvolo riddle
#godric gryffindor
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