Jaller & Takua

Two best friends unite! Inspired by their appearances on the silver screen, online, and in physical toy form, Jaller the Captain of the Guard and Takua the Chronicler are reimagined entirely using modern LEGO system pieces.
  • Highly articulated! These Matoran feature an wide range of motion, with ball joints at the head and hips, and a flexible arm design, all chosen with posability in mind.
  • Firing disk action! When their classic backpacks are attached, the straps launch the disks from their chests. Inspired by the iconic gimmick.
  • Kolhii accessories! Each Matoran comes with his double-ended staff. Jaller also includes his goalie shield.

I'd always wanted to make these guys in the same style as my brick-built Tahu from a couple of years back, so was glad this contest gave me an excuse to start putting bricks together!
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
90th Anniversary: Bionicle Theme Celebrations

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