Decorative Mask

I found the inspiration for this decorative mask while looking at photos of masks from ancient civilizations.
I wanted it to be funny and a bit scary.
I used brown as the base color to create a wood-like appearance, with other warm colors to emphasize the carved and painted decoration, and the eyes, nose, and mouth are highlighted by their white and red colors.

This decorative mask will fit perfectly on a shelf, or can be hung on a wall.
It is perfect for a new original "fresh for feb" decoration, or to enhance your collection of antique masks.
Since its dimensions match the size of a face, it can even be placed in front of your face.

It consists of 504 parts, with a height of 42 studs (34 cm), a width of 27 studs (22 cm), and depth of 15 studs (3.5 cm)
#get fresh for feb
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Get Fresh for Feb

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