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Scene: The End of All Things---Mount Doom and Eye of Sauron

For my contest entry, I decided to make the scene "The End of All Things", where Frodo destroys the One Ring from Return of the King. It contains Mount Doom and Barad-Dur.
I chose this scene because it is the epic climax of the franchise, and Sam's famous line, "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" was such a powerful moment, It's why I ultimately decided to build this for my entry.
Mount Doom:
The mountain consists of 1,879 pieces, with a removable top. Inside is the ledge for Frodo to throw the One Ring into the fire with Gollum lurking in the back.
It also has an outcropping of rock on the mountainside, where Sam and Frodo manage to reach while escaping the lava, before the eagles carry them off to safety.

The Eye of Sauron consists of 1,529 pieces, and stands roughly two and a half feet tall. It is (quite) a bit larger than the mountain, and personally, it is my favorite of the two builds!

This was really fun to make, I hope you like this as much as I do!
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