Scene: Gollum and Sméagol - 'Leave Now and Never Come Back!'
The model depicts the argument between Sméagol and Gollum, where the first manages to suppress his other personality (the scene can be found in the film The Two Towers, at around 1 h. 40 min. of the extended cut).
I got the inspiration for the build from owning two Gollum figures with different face prints. I always saw one as Gollum and the other as Sméagol, since one has a grumpier expression.
The model consists of two main sections, which are mirrored, but built in different colors, so that the one with Gollum has a darker feel. This way the effect of two conflicting personalities, achieved by different camera angles in the film, is translated into Lego form. The two halves are connected to a back section, depicting the background with the sleeping hobbits. These parts are joined with hinges, which allow the model to be displayed in different ways - closed, with Gollum and Sméagol in a face-off, or open, to give more of a panoramic effect.
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