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Hogsmeade to the Room of Requirement

This model is from book 7 and takes Harry, Ron and Hermione from their appearance in Hogsmeade to Harry and Luna leaving the Room of Requirement.  I've tried to keep it as close to the descriptions in the book as I can, with a bit of poetic license in places!

The model comes in 3 main parts: The Hogs Head and a down-at-heel Honeydukes; the connecting passage; and the Room of Requirement.

A single candle illuminates the bar of the Hogs Head showing Harry where they are, and they climb the rickety stairs to the upstairs room with the grimy windows and threadbare carpet.  Aberforth gives them some bread and cheese, Harry recognises him from the mirror, and Aberforth asks Ariane to fetch Neville.

When they reach the room of requirement the DA are delighted to see them.  Harry takes in the wood panel walls, tapestries, bathroom & hammocks. The tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls ballet slides aside to let Harry and Luna leave, while Filch tries to clean the DA graffiti.
#deathly hallows
#room of requirement
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