
Celebrate: Kristiansen Crest

This crest displays some of Lego's greatest achievements. This build starts with the classic wooden duck and works its way up through Lego's history including 2x4(clutch powers), minifigures, Yellow Castle, Classic Space, Pirates, RCX(Mindstorms), Bionicle, Ninjago, and Friends. It ends with plants and solar panels which symbolize Lego's promise to make their product more sustainable. The swords (based on the ones from Lego Castle sets) are pointing down in symbol of Lego's goal of promoting peace. The build is capped by the Lego motto, "Det bedste er ikke for godt" which translated into English means, "Only the best is good enough" symbolizing the Lego company's dedication to quality. The build measures 44 studs wide, 30 studs deep, and 59 studs high.
#galaxy explorer
#2x4 brick
#yellow castle
#police officer
#black seas barracuda
#heartlake city
#only the best is good enough
#solar panels
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Celebrating 90 years of play in LEGO House!

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