A Better Look at the Ant Kingdoms
Ants are amazing insects because they always find a way to amuse you, even though lots of species share the same instinctual patterns, something that should happen there are about 16,000 species, but lots of them still find a great way to stand out, and what better way than with a polaroid photo, which always gives this nostalgia coloring to everything more so to nature. the three species represented in the photos are the carpenter ant (red ant), atta ant, or leafcutter ant (brownish and dark red ant), and a weaver ant ( yellow and green ant). Showcased as queens.
Fun fact: Carpenter ants don't actually eat wood; they excavate it to build nests. Similarly, leafcutter ants meticulously cut and carry fresh vegetation, but they don't consume it directly. Instead, they cultivate a fungus (on the ant's mandibles) on the vegetation for nourishment. Meanwhile, weaver ants are skilled architects, using silk produced by their larvae to bind leaves together for their nests.
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