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Subnautica: Survivors of the Degasi




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My Project:  Based on the popular underwater survival game SUBNAUTICA, created by Unknown Worlds Entertainment, this set is the second of my line of Subnautica LEGO sets that I am creating. It is called "Survivors of the Degasi", and it's a "flashback" scene which shows the three survivors of the crashed Degasi - Paul and Bart Torgal, and Marguerit Maida - in their underwater base in the haunting and deadly Jelly Shroom Caves.


How I did it:  As with my first set "Reaper Leviathan Attack" (check it out on my page!), I used the Subnautica Wiki as well as my own copy of the game and recreated the Degasi seabase using the LEGO Digital Designer.  In the game, we never see the actual characters of Bart, Paul, or Marguerit - they crashed on the planet years before the player did in the game and we only know their story through voice logs and abandoned PDAs - so the minifigures included in this set are my own interpretation of what these three characters might have looked like.  In the game, we only see the seabase after it has been derelict and abandoned, but this set is what the base would have looked like after just having been built.  I have included links to the pictures I used down below.

(Diehard Subnautica fans:  I decided to do away with the Foundations of the base, as I wanted the multipurpose rooms to split in two easily and wouldn't have been able to with the Foundation pieces underneath - hope you understand!)


Description:  The three remaining survivors of the crashed ship Degasi - Captain Paul Torgal, his cybernetically-enhanced son Bart, and hardened intergalactic mercenary Marguerit Maida - have built an underwater seabase in the depths of the beautiful Jelly Shroom Caves.  Little do they know that the caves are also home to the deadly predators known as Crabsnakes, who hide in the glowing mushrooms waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Put Marguerit in her battle-PRAWN suit to fend off the creatures before they attack the base!  Will she succeed on her own or do Paul and Bart need to suit up and turn the tide of the battle? You decide!


1. Every aspect of this set features intricate details straight from the video game Subnautica.

2. The Degasi base measures four and a half feet long.

3. Open up the two Multipurpose Rooms to access the interior, and open the Observatory on the top floor to seat a minifigure inside.

4. Open the hatches of the base to access the corridors inside.

5. First Multipurpose Room features a desk and a bed, and the other Multipurpose Room features a removable Modification Station, a desk, a Water Filtration Machine, a Lab Table with lab equipment and a Jack's Septic Tank on top, plus a storage space for Marguerit's diving suit and weapons.

6. Fabricate cool items with the Modification Station which has two foldable top sections just like in the game, and make drinkable water with the Water Filtration Machine (disclaimer - this is a building toy, will not actually make real water).

7. Marguerit's battle PRAWN Exosuit features a top hatch that opens just like in the game and a cockpit that swings forward, allowing for a minifigure to sit at the controls.

8. Exosuit also features fully posable arms (Maida's suit is outfitted with the Propulsion Cannon arm and Torpedo arm) and legs, removeable power cells on top of the suit, and a storage space for collectible items like the included Stalker tooth.

9. Each minifigure comes with two outfits - one for when working inside the base and a diving suit for when underwater.

10. Control the base by seating Captain Torgal at his desk, while his son Bart can go outside to collect samples using his spectroscopic Scanner, which is included in this set, and Marguerit can then capture species of fauna using her transfuser gun.  Also includes the Habitat Builder which Paul can use to built the base.

11. Includes two Crabsnakes with movable fangs that can curl up and hide inside the large Jelly Shroom.

12. Also includes two Oculus and two Eyeyes (two of the various fauna of the Jelly Shroom Caves) as well as various flora such as the Jelly Shrooms themselves.


Compare:  Here are the links to the wiki pages (scroll down to the gallery to find pictures)


If you are interested in playing Subnautica, here is the link to the developer's website:


Thanks for checking out this project!  Please check out my first set on my page as well, which features the player's encouter with the terrifying Reaper Leviathan! If you're a fan of the game and want this to become a real LEGO set, please support and share with your friends!  More Subnautica sets coming real soon!

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