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Roboforce MK2 - Rocket Conquest


Game, Set, and Match Over

Man, i thought we had a chance to actually reach the 100-supporter milestone. with 15 new supporters in the final five days, we came close with 0.78% of the necessary support. sadly, i don't think we'll be getting it unless you miraculously rally 22 more before we expire.

I can't believe all three Stellar Games couldn't get off the ground! even after beating the previous two, it still couldn't muster a crowd for it to take off! Each game has become a Commercial Failure!

Though maybe the game elements could've bogged Roboforce MK2 as a whole down? perhaps i could think of something between the games for this. be on the Lookout for that soon!

Edit: of course we get three more to bump us to 0.81%, but we'd be too late anyway.


Match Point

only one new supporter joining in as we enter the final five days of our project, leaving us at 0.63% with little chance of reaching the 100-supporter milestone. I still hold hope you guys can do it!


So close yet so far

ten days left on the clock, and we only got three new supporters bumping our total to 0.62%. we're just 38 short of the 100-supporter milestone! don't give up on this so easily!

Remember this mini conquest point i showed you?

I made more of them with their own variations like this one that opens up.

you don't want these to go to waste, do you?


The Past has Passed, It's Now or Never!

We're finally beaten our past two Stellar game with two new supporters coming to join, Rasing our total to 0.59% as we enter the final quarter of Rocket Conquest. but now we only got 15 days to reach the 100-supporter milestone and keep this going. can we do it?


Approaching the Final Quarter

with two new supporters, we now sit at 0.57% and just one away from reaching the best of Sputnik Scuffle. if we can pull this off, we could possibly beat that score and make this the highest scoring Stellar Game of the three!


Closer to Sputnik Scuffle's best

only one new supporter joined five days after the halftime report, meaning we're now three away from reaching Sputnik Scuffle. (that game expired at 58 supporters, we're at 55 atm) don't give up on this now!


Banners & Bandits bested at the halftime!

with five new supporters breaking the dry streak, we've managed to beat Banners & Bandits by one supporter as our total is at 0.54%. not only that, but we're four away from reaching Sputnik Scuffle! best of luck beating that!


Dehydration detected!

this isn't good. we're so close to reaching the best of Banners & Bandits and we hit a dry streak! i really want to do good with these Stellar Games here, we can't just throw it away like yesterday's waste!

I even got smaller Conquest points planned if we went far, like this one!

this may not be much, but it can add some extra play to the Rocket Conquest!


almost besting our past games!

i can see the progress slowing to a wend as we've gathered four new supporters bumping our total to 0.49%. just one away of going halfway to the first milestone and four shy of passing the best that Banners & Bandits could muster!


nearing our best from the past

our Support count has matched our time now that a quarter of it has burned and we gathered seven new supporters. With that, we're almost halfway to the first milestone and close to reaching our past stellar games. here's hoping we can pass them soon.

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