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- Originality: How original is this - never seen before?
- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
- Details: Express how much you like the details of the build.
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John and Mary are archaeologists
exploring the modern ruins of a medieval castle. A local legend describes a mysterious contest between Greta the Good and Bolgar the Bad. Suddenly the archaeologists are surprised when Greta shows up from the past in a swirling
time portal. But why is she here? Only you can decide!
The basic idea of this set is to
have a classic era castle that can be played with in both medieval and
modern times. Two pieces of the outer wall can be removed. Removing the walls make the
medieval castle look like modern ruins found in a park with an archaeological dig
site. In the courtyard, up to three green plates can be removed and replaced to
fit each time period.