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Following my previous idea which was the #MiniBrickBeard and wanted to thank all those whom have given me support, i tried to expand the construction universe to something a little bit more challenging and with slightly more novelty
Elves has always been one of my favourite fantasy race with their verdant inspired designs and beautiful characters. As such, I thought to give it a shot by creating one miniature version of an Elven ship/boat; seeing that there really isn't any big elaborate designs out there yet for me to leverage on
As you can see, the "ship" or rather more like a rowboat is decked with plenty of greens and topped with a magical tree (with a treant face imprinted on top) that works as its mast/sail. And at the back of the "Emerald Dream", sits a nice little throne for the Elf Lord that governs this tiny boat. For the defense of this magical boat, 4 crossbows are within reach of the elven rowers while 4 shields dons the sides, ready to be picked up in combat! Oh, and did i mentioned the capacity is for 3?
Now whilst the elven rowers are directed by the Elf Lord from the back, the first elven rower also doubles as a navigation expert! Well, we all know elves are highly attuned to nature, undoubtedly they are fantastic with directions but it wouldn't hurt to be given some sort of a "aid" as well! Thus he is given a nice little map on a pedestal for easy viewing.. =)
Hope you guys like it! and last but not least, more variety of miniature ships will be coming if your support keeps coming!
As you can see, the "ship" or rather more like a rowboat is decked with plenty of greens and topped with a magical tree (with a treant face imprinted on top) that works as its mast/sail. And at the back of the "Emerald Dream", sits a nice little throne for the Elf Lord that governs this tiny boat. For the defense of this magical boat, 4 crossbows are within reach of the elven rowers while 4 shields dons the sides, ready to be picked up in combat! Oh, and did i mentioned the capacity is for 3?
Now whilst the elven rowers are directed by the Elf Lord from the back, the first elven rower also doubles as a navigation expert! Well, we all know elves are highly attuned to nature, undoubtedly they are fantastic with directions but it wouldn't hurt to be given some sort of a "aid" as well! Thus he is given a nice little map on a pedestal for easy viewing.. =)
Hope you guys like it! and last but not least, more variety of miniature ships will be coming if your support keeps coming!
PS: By the way, i couldn't find the actual elf minifigs in so i had to make do with makeshifts! Sorry if the elf lord looks nothing like one... oh wells, let's just use our imaginations haha