Product Idea |

Spaceship with Mini Spaceship and Boosters


Update 1 Images Part 3

Please read Update 1 to understand, see Update 1 Images part 1 and part 2 to see the first and second parts of the images.


Update 1 Images Part 2

Please read Update 1 to understand and see Update 1 Images part 1 to see the first part of the images.


Update 1 Images Part 1

Here are the images to the first update. Please read the first update to understand the images.


First Update - Additions (also with new way to put rocket boosters)

Hey everyone,

Welcome to my first update!

I have added some new additions onto the main spaceship and to the mini spaceship plus another way to put the rocket booster.

  1. The Main Spaceship
    The main spaceship has an engine now, and a storage compartment with an open top, which sits underneath the mini spaceship.
  2. The Mini Spaceship
    The mini spaceship now comes with 2 glass pieces to make it look like a cargo compartment or troop carrier, and it also comes with a blue colored cockpit piece. Plus a orange grill piece as an engine vent.
  3. Rocket Booster
    The rocket booster has movable joints, so you can put the boosters at the top and extend the booster parts outward.

You can find the new additions, the update to how the rocket booster can also be placed,are shown in Part 1, 2 and 3 of the mages.

Also, can you put in the comments if I should add the minifigs that are shown in the images!

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