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Do you need a way to get your classic space minifigs in and out of bases, or do you just have an excess of these minifigs in your collection and would like a vehicle to move them about so to speak?
This is the latest in a series of vertical plane mods that are classic space friendly - in this case, it's a troop carryall. Loosely based on the carryalls from Command & Conquer this vehicle will house 4 minifigs and a pilot and take them where they need to go.
You will note that the cover picture has been changed to reflect the updated design, and YES, I've actually built this one.
This ship design preserves the vertical cockpit. It dispenses with the wings and makes use of 4 VTOL engines for stability, narrowing the vehicle overall but providing transport for 5 troops or space figs generally. The photo above shows a space pilot (with air tank) in the cockpit, and also shows how the ship has been narrowed. The title pic shows the side doors open (both sides swing up) to reveal a team of space figs ready to deal with whatever problem they find when they land.
This last pic is one from the rear and above, showing the general aesthetic of the ship as well as the rear engines and avionics on top. In this case, the ship was built with parts from Pick a Brick, eBay and Brick Owl so the black / grey colour scheme was forced upon me but I think it still works. I would like to fix up the front bay arms to match the trans black of the others, but this is enough to get the idea.
This set took 178 pieces to build (without minifigs) and I have a tanker variation already built. I haven't looked at a dropship variation yet but if I get more interest I certainly will.
Two issues with this model - the first is that the model isn't as robust as I'd like. Serious play reveals that the 'spine' across the top of the ship can fall apart as you're putting your minifigs in and out. I'll work on that of course, but the model is fantastic for display as is. The second issue is that VTOL engines don't have the friction effect I was expecting, so they tend to hang down. I'm thinking that the friction bush could be lightly prized apart to hold the engine at an angle instead, but to date I haven't tried that.
Anyway, hopefully this is a better troop carryall than the previous attempts. This time it is real pics instead of just LDD renders as well. Let me know what you think, and if I get enough interest I'll try to get some different coloured LDD renders up to give you an indication of what it could look like in classic space colours.
Thanks for your interest, and remember to support!